bot Braving the Mud Run | MWVC
Team MWVC Braving the Mud Run

Team MWVC Braving the Mud Run

By MW Vehicle Contracts
A few members of the MWVC team are taking part in a 5K FUN MUD RUN in order to raise money and awareness for the charity Young Minds (who support young adults with mental illness), at Barn Farm, Illston On The Hill, Leics on Sunday 19th November.

There will be a 2k fun run for all ages at 10am and 10:30am and a 5k race at 11am and 11:30am in two age categories (10-16 & 17+). On the course there will be multiple obstacles and plenty of mud!

If you would like to donate or if you're brave enough - participate! Please book your place online (under 10's £10 & 11+ £15) via the just giving page and include your first and second name and what you would like to participate in. Entries on the day - if space available is an additional £5 charge.

If you have any queries please email

There is a facebook page set up with updates and information: